Animals | Los animales

Learn animal names in Spanish in this animated video - aprende nombres de unos animales en este video animado.
Animales por aquí y por allá Animales bailan, cha cha chá Animales arriba Animales abajo Animales bailan cha cha chá El oso Oso caminando Con cuatro patas Oso bailando Y su amigo el mono Le gusta colgar Y saltar, saltar y saltar Coro Elefante grande ¡Qué felíz está! Con trompa larga Dice “ven acá” Garras y dientes, tan grandes Tiene el león Afilados son, afilados son Viene el gato, “Meow” Conejo, “Boink Boink” Pajaro, “Tweet, tweet, tweet” Y pez,“Bubble, bubble” Viene el perro, “Guau, guau” Culebra, “Sssssss” Viene la rana, “Ribbit, ribbit” UNO, DOS, TRES, “¡hey!” Coro Animals here and there Animals dance, cha cha cha Animals up Animals down Animals dance, cha cha chá The bear Walking bear With four legs Dancing bear And his friend the monkey He likes to hang And jump, jump and jump Chorus Big elephant How happy he is With his long trunk He says, “come over here” Claws and teeth, so big Are what the lion has How sharp they are, how sharp they are Here comes the cat, “Meow” Rabbit, “Boink, Boink” Bird, “tweet, tweet, tweet” And fish, “bubble, bubble” Here comes the dog, “ruff, ruff” Snake, “Sssssssss” Here comes the frog, “ribbit, ribbit” ONE, TWO, THREE “HEY!” Chorus